On the front page of a blog, we often list the title of every post on the site. Jekyll will automatically list all pages within the _post
directory under one collection. Eleventy, however, creates collections based on the tags. In other words, the only way to tell Eleventy that your page is a blog post is by adding an extra tag. You may not want to add the same tag for every post, especially if you already categorize your posts.
One workaround fully documented feature is to create a custom collection. In .eleventy.js
, use the addCollection
method to define a new collection. You can call it posts, if you want to (you can also call it ice_cream). Use glob syntax to get only the pages inside your post folder. You can now find all your blog posts with the collections.posts
Here's the code for your .eleventy.js
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts", function(collection) {
return collection.getFilteredByGlob("posts/**/*.md");